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برنامج مؤتمر الادب السرياني السابع
برنامج مؤتمر الادب السرياني السابع
دورة الملفان اوجين منّا
المكان / المركز الاكاديمي الاجتماعي-عنكاوا
برنامج الافتتاح / الساعة 11 صباحاً 6/2/2013
تحميل المؤتر الادب السرياني السابع باللغة السريانية
-كلمة اتحاد الادباء والكتاب السريان.
-كلمة حكومة اقليم كردستان.
-كلمة الاتحاد العام لادباء العراق.
-كلمة اتحاد الادباء الكرد.
-كلمة اتحاد الادباء التركمان.
-نبذة مختصرة عن حياة الملفان اوجين منا.
-ختام برنامج الافتتاح-
مع التقدير
اللجنة المشرفة للمؤتمر
جلسات العمل والبحوث
*الجلسة الاولى / اللغة والتراث الساعة 12:30 – 2:15 ظهراً
ت |
اسم الباحث |
عنوان البحث / ادارة الجلسة / شليمون داود |
1-2-3-4-5-6- |
د.يوسف قوزينزار حنا ديرانيالمطران بشار متى وردةلطيف موسى بولابنيامين حدادميخائيل وردة موشي |
نظام منهجية يعقوب اوجين مناالشعر السرياني الحديث ونماذجرؤيتنا حول اللغة السريانيةنماذج من الشعر السرياني في القوشحاجتنا الى معجم سامي مقارنقورش-قيورا الرهاوي |
*الساعة 2:15 – 3:30 غداء واستراحة
الجلسة الثانية / الثقافة الساعة 3:30 -5:00 عصراً
ت |
اسم الباحث |
عنوان البحث ادارة الجلسة / زهير بوردا |
1-2-3-4-5-6- |
المطران لويس ساكوالاستاذ بهاء عامر الجبوريد. طالب القريشيأ.م مؤيد حسين منشديونان هوزاياعدنان ابو اندلس |
قطريون مسيحيون مشاهير قبل الاسلاماواني الاحراز السريانيةدور السريان في نقل الثقافة العربيةاوجه الشبه لحكم احيقار رسالة مارسرخيوتقراءة نقدية للقصيدة – انا شاعرازاهير من الادب السرياني |
*الساعة 5:00 – 6:00 عصراً استراحة
الجلسة الثالثة / الادب الساعة 6:00 – 8:00 مساءً
ت |
اسم الباحث |
عنوان المحاضرة / ادارة الجلسة / عماد عيسو |
1-2-3-4-5-6- |
حيدر حسن عبيدزاهر حيزقيا دوداميخائيل بنيامينشرارا يوسففائق بلوايفان جاني كوريل |
النتاجات الادبية في المروج السريانيةمدلولات ومعاني حروف اللغة السريانيةحول واقع ومستقبل لغتنا السريانيةحياة الشاعر خاميس القرداحي الاربيلينماذج من الادب السريانيتراثنا السرياني..هوية واصالة |
*الساعة 8:00 – 9:00 عشاء واستراحة
( اليوم الثاني )
الخميس 7/2/2013
الجلسة الاولى/ تاريخ وتراث الساعة 9:00 – 11:00 صباحاً
ت |
اسم الباحث |
عنوان البحث / ادارة الجلسة / حكمت بشير |
1-2-3-4-5-6- |
عبد السلام الخديدييعقوب افرام منصورد. يوسف طونيد. محمود عباد الجبوريوشيماء عبد الباقيد. يهنام عطاللهمنهل سنحاريب |
عالم الاثار بهنام ابو الصوف ودوره في الاثار والتراث النهرينيالمفكرون والادباء الاراميونالسريان مختارات من تراثهم المخطوط في مكتبات تركيااساقفة المضارب ودورهم في نشر المسيحية بين العرب قبل الاسلامدراسة في شعر جان دمواستعمال الحرف د في اللغة السريانية |
*الساعة 11:00 – 12:00 استراحة
الجلسة الثانية/ الثقافة والاعلام والمسرح الساعة 12:00 – 2:15 ظهراً
ت |
اسم الباحث |
عنوان البحث / ادارة الجلسة / لطيف نعمان |
1-2-3-4-5-6- |
سعيد شامايانمرود قاشاادمون لاسويوسف زرانوري بطرسأ. احمد سامي |
نحو مسرح سرياني طموحالاعلام الاذاعي السرياني في العراقانكيدو وحواء وتايريزياسقدسية الماء في التراث النهرينيثقافة حدياب ومدارسهاالفعل الاجوف في اللغات السامية |
*الساعة 2:15 – 3:30 الغداء والاستراحة
الخميس 7/2/ 2013
الجلسة الثالثة/ اللغة الساعة 3:30 – 5:00 عصراً
ت |
اسم الباحث |
عنوان البحث / ادارة الجلسة / نزار حنا بطرس |
1-2-3-4-5-6- |
د. بشير الطورياكد مرادابراهيم طولانأ. محمد راضي زويركريم ايشاد. بهنام سوني |
من الادب السرياني المقدشيتجربة التعليم السرياني في أقليم كوردستانالقرن السابع، السريان، مفترق الطرقاللغات السامية ومواكبة تطور الدراسات اللغويةاثر الزمان والمكان في قصص السريانمزقرتا او دير مار يوحنا الديلمي |
*الساعة 5:00 – 6:00 استراحة
الجلسة الرابعة/ الثقافة الساعة 6:00 – 8:00 مساءً
ت |
اسم الباحث |
عنوان البحث / ادارة الجلسة / موشي بولص |
1-2-3-4-5-6- |
اشور ملحمقصي يوسفشاكر سيفوروند بولصأمل ادي بولصد. زحيم علي الفوادي |
اسماء سومرية من قاموس اوجين منامعوقات التعليم السرياني في سهل نينوىجماليات النص الشعري الحديث-قراءةنصير بويا شاعر عنكاوا المنسيالادغام في اللغة السريانيةدور السريان في تطور العلوم اللغوية |
*الساعة 8:00 – 9:00 العشاء بعدها الاستراحة
اليوم الثالث / الجمعة 8/2/2013
الساعة 9:00 صباحاً / الجلسة الختامية
ت |
اسم الباحث |
المشاركين في المؤتمر ولجنة خاصة لاعداد البيان الختامي |
1-2-3- |
ماري جبودانيال شابو ريكانيمناقشة وتقييم وبيان |
كيفية قراءة الايقوناتالانبعاث والتوحيد10:30 تلاوة البيان الختامي للمؤتمر |
-ختام البرنامج-
The Seventh Syriac Literature Conference
(Class of the Scholar Ogen Manna)
Ankawa 6-7 Feb.2013
The seventh Syriac Literature Conference is held with vast attendance and a programme full of studies and researches.
The Syriac writersUnionwas held for the period 6-7 Feb. 2013 its seventh literature course: The scholar Yakoob Ogen Manna at Ankawa.. The opening ceremony was atAmkabadHall-in the Academic Social Centre at 11 a.m. attended by government responsible characters, members of parliment, representatives of parties including the parties of our Assyrian, Syriac and Chaldean people, representatives of civil community organizations and representatives of international organizations of which is Unami organization and others.
The ceremony began with one minute silence of respect for the martyrs of the country and the martyrs of our people and martyrs of the free word. Then the Head of the Syriac writes union Mr.Rawand Pouls, presented the speech of the union welcoming the presence, the participants and the comers from other governorates in order to present their researches at the seventh Syriac literature conference. He also referred to the importance of such conferences, of what they bring out of directives, remarks and suggestions that could serve the procession of culture and the Syriac literature, he said:
Dear audience and good morning
The Syriac writers union has always worked hard and periodically to hold an academic research conference specializing in Syriac culture and literature. Its title carries the name of the thinker Our Union Labeeb who was very generous in the field of our deep rooted Syriac culture. ???Had held six Syriac literature conferences in the years 2004 inBaghdad, 2005 (Dr. Yousif Haby course) inBaghdad, 2006 inErbil(Polos Behanam course), 2007 (Yousif Klita course) in Duhok, 2008 (Polos Bedari course) in Sulaimania and 2009 (Yuhanna Dolbany course).
Today the seventh conference for the Syriac literature is held inErbil, too. Today’s conference carries the name the scholar and the lingual expert and the highly respected bishop Ogen Manna, his biography, his lingual and cultural achievements. They are in your hands within the conference documents. In our conference more than forty scholars, academics, university professors and those specialized in different kinds of our Syriac culture from all over the country, Syriacs, Arabs and Kurds. To the conference forty researches arrived from inside the country and abroad.
Dear presence
As we celebrate this great and important cultural ceremony we have to present our thanks and gratitude to all the good people of our nation and their friends who participated modestly and directly in their material and abstract support in order to hold this conference. We present our thanks and to all civil and party institutions, the cultural ones in particular that gave us support and still cooperating gladly
In holding our various cultural activities through the year and I would like to mention the Academic social centre, the Chaldean cultural society and the social Ankawa Youth Club. Also our thanks and respects to the International Organizations and the organizations of the United Nations for their concern and attending our activities.
We hoped they could be with us today participating in this distinguished cultural celebration, famous names of our generous people, ambassadors of the Syriac culture and their windows to the world abroad, but the finance limitations had prevented it from to king place, but they have fulfilled their promises despite enforced a absence. They sent their researches to the conference to find their way to be published in a separate issue that carries the researches and a activities of the conference.
The Syriac writers Union is good to inform you of issuing the first number of our magazine (Saphroutha) and theUniontook the decision of publishing it despite its difficult finance situation. The magazine is stable periodical, literature, cultural and Academic one. We hope it could participate in enriching the Syriac cultural scene.
OurUnion, through holding such conferences wide and dense cultural a activities, aims to resurrect, develop and made know for all our roots, our cultural and participations and our Syriac, Babylonian and Assyrian (Between the two rivers cultures). It is the civilization of life, innovation that carries humane meaning in order to share in providing the cultural scene and the national thoughtful atmosphere with the values of creativity, dialogue, forgiveness and completing the other, side by side with its similar one of various cultures that our country treasures. Also to be opened to the transparent positive edge to all cultures and its niceness inside our country and abroad.
Later the speech of Kurdistan Regional Government was delivered by Mr. Zerak Kamal the representative of HE. Nechirvan Barzani Prime Minister of the KRG, he said:
Presence and participants in the seventh conference of the Syriac Literature, we welcome you and welcome your participation of which we wish fruitful results for the purpose of serving the language and Syriac, literature. The Syriac nation through history has had a great role in the fields of culture, literature and human heritage and has embodied continuously the atmospheres of love and peace with other components of the people.
Dear fellows: we all know that literature is the outcome of thoughts and name’s creativity that incarnates life beauty and its images considering the ethnic and national varieties in its thin frame and it is sure that we all are indebted to such kind of writers, poets and the media. It is so the poems, the educational literal writing that add the strength of life to the generations that coexist and interact with it.
With it the volume of literature and culture are both on the line of progress.
Therefore literature in its branches was and still is a true important measure for the education of the mind and its human development.
With it the images of the civil and human construction is integrated and exchanged among nations and cultures.
Fellow members the seven Syriac literature conference: Kurdistan Regional Government is proud of the nationality the Assyrian, Syriac and Chldean as it was all along history in a position of goodness, constructive work and brotherly coexistence with their brothers the Kurd, Turkmen and the Arabs in Kurdistan Region and in the country in general. Also they have an active role and vast media power in the culture and literature fields of their famous writers we may mention the names of Berdisan, Efram, Nersy, Gorges Warda, Khamis Karardakhy and others who enriched the Syriac culture and literature and that was reflected on other coexisting nations of which is the people of Kurdistan.
Today in Kurdistan Region and under the atmosphere of peace, construction and stability we fiend the Syriac language and literature advance steadily forward through various activities. What we watch of satellite charnels and broadcasting stations, journals and magazines and other issues in the Syriac language and what we feind in the cultural field of several names and characters side by side to their Kurd brothers who all work for the benefit of better future culturally and educationally.
The most beautiful thing onKurdistansoil today is the positive national peaceful and religious coexistence and the counter respect, democracy and the strong relationship which is an important part in the procession of a successful life.
Therefore your conference today and what it would come up with of directives and decisions for the benefit of Syriac literature and culture carries the coexistence spirit, brotherhood and cove among all citizens ofKurdistanwhich is part of a better future for all.
We also evaluate the efforts of those who organize and supervise the preparations for the conference and what they presented of great effort to make it a success and we also wish prosperity to all those who work hard and never lack the ability for developing the Syriac culture, literature and language.
Nechirvan Barzani
prime minister of KRG
The Deputy writers’ Union deputy presented Ibrahim Khayat in order to present congratulations in the name of the general Unionfor holding the conference and for the efforts done to make it a success. He asked his colleague in the administrative committee of the Syriac writers Union Dr. Taha Shebeeb: to continue the speech of the Unionon this occasion. The latter improvised an effective speech about the role of the Syriac in the country between the two rivers (Mesopotamia) since the foundation of civilization and their highly esteemed situation among the Iraqi people for what they did of great value roles in all fields of country life. He said: you are the flowers of this country and its distinguished perfume. Your place is in the heart of every loyal person to the unity of the most beautifulIraq. You are the originality and history. He said: Yes to our branch identities. We respect them and work through them for the original identity that gathers us all in love and respect and as writers and educators we have to deepen these roots so that we can have a country that lives in righteousness and progress.
After that Mr. Mam Butani head of the Kurd Union writers congratulated the Syriac writers for holding their seventh Syriac literature conference wishing them success. He confirmed on the culture identity the coexistent nationalities and their role today in improving culture and praised theUnionfor its role today in this field.
Mr. Assad Erbil delivered the speech of Turkmen writers welcoming the presence for the Syriac language and said that the coexistent national culture in Kurdistan Region is an enrichment and great wealth for developing the country and its well- civilized construction. He wished the participants from all over the country prosperity and success in their work.
The conference received several telegrams of congratulation on the occasion of holding the conference from members of parliament, ministers and people of educational institutions and parties of our people. Finally, the presenter of the ceremony Durmara Canoon presented the programmer of opening the conference and delivered a brief speech concerning the life of the Malfan Yakoob Ogen Manna saying:
The biography of the Melfan Yakoob Ogen Manna.
Yakoob Ogen Manna was born in 1867 in Bakoofa village which lies on the eastern side ofMosul city. There he learned the Chaldean language and mastered it reading and writing, then he moved toMosul city where he joined the clerical Al Safa Mar Shamoon institute in 1885. the institute lies near Maskanta old church where he completed his philosophical and the ological studies.
Patriarch Mar Elia Abu Al Younan canonized him a priest on the 15 of Aug. 1889. He studied the Syriac language and its literature at Mar Youhanna Al Habeeb clerical institute found inMosulin the period 1885-1902 AD.
During his stay and teaching at the mentioned above institute he started his lingual and literature work and supervising the publishing of the Domnican Fathers’ Press- Mosul.
– In 1902 he accompanied patriarch Immanuel the second Toma toRometo visit the Pope. He received the priesthood degree and with him also was the martyr the patriarch Eddi Sheer and the patriach Istephan Jibry.
– In 1914 afterautburst of the first world war he left the country “Wan” toEurope. After five years he came back toMosulin 1919.
– In 1921 he was sent to serve the Chaldean church in Basrah and in 1927 he returned toBaghdad. He was intending to travel toRome. He had traveled toBeirutfor that purpose but the patriarch didn’t approve to the traveling and came back toMosul. He died in March 1928. his body was found floating on the surface of the riverTigrisat Salamia village.
– The triple graciousness patriarch Yakoob Ogen Manna could do well with the two languages the Aramic and the Arabic. He left four important books: 1- The clear fundamentals in the syntax of the Aramic language (eastern and western accents) printed inMosulin 1886 and its second print inBeirutin 1975
2- Guide for those who are interested in the Aramic language- printed inMosulin 1900 and reprinted inBeirutin 1975.
3- Picnic plains in the literature of the Aramic language- two pants- printed inMosulin 1901.
4- Arabic Chaldean lexicon, the first part was printed inMosuland re- printed inBeirutin 1975 and the third print was in 2010- the Syriac general Divectorate for education-Erbil.
Sessions of work and researches more than forty researches arrived to the conference from different parts of the country. A dense programme was placed that included seven sessions at an average of six researchers for each session. Below is the table put by the supervising committee of the conference with a remark that same researchers and due to force majeure couldn’t present their researches in the sessions of the conference. At the first session his eminent the bishop Bashar Matti and his research entitled Vision on Syriac language and in the second session his eminent the bishop Lewis Sako and his research entitled Christian Qataris well-known before Islam, didn’t attend the conference because of their traveling toRome to elect the Chaldean church patriarch. The attendants of the conference were glad by electing the bishop Lewis Sako as patriarch of the Chaldean church in the world. The conference presented warm congratulations for his work to the new patriarch.
Five more members apologized from attending the conference for different reasons. Generally, all researches will be issued in a special book along with other information about the conference.
Below is the programme of the sessions regarding the work and the researches with their timings.
Sessions of work and researches the first session/ language and heritage
Time: 12:30 – 2:15 midday.
SL. |
Name of researcher |
Title of research |
1 |
Dr. Yousif Kuzy |
Programming system of Yakoob Ogen Manna |
2 |
Nazar Hanna Dirany |
Modern Syriac Poetry and samples. |
3 |
Bishop Bashar Matti Warda |
Our view regarding the Syriac language |
4 |
Latif Musa Bola |
Samples of the Syriac poetry in Al Qoush. |
5 |
Benyamin Hadad |
Our need to a Comparative Valuable lexicon |
6 |
Mikaeel Warda Mosy |
Korash- Kyora Al Rahaway |
The session was run by Shlaimoon Dawood.
Time 2:15 – 3:30 afternoon lunch and break.
Second session / culture
Time 3:30 – 5:00 Afternoon
SL. |
Name of researcher |
Title of research |
1 |
Patriarch Lewis Sako |
well-known Christian Qataris Before Islam |
2 |
Mr. Baha Amer Al- Jubaury |
Syriac Ahraz Dishes |
3 |
Dr. Talib Al Quraishy |
Role of the Syriac intransferring Arabic Culture |
4 |
Assist.Profess.Muayed H. Menshid |
Similar aspects of Hakam Ahikar message Mar Serkyoot |
5 |
Yaunan Hozaaya |
critic reading for the Poem- Iam a poet |
6 |
Adnan Abu Andalus |
Flowers from the Syriac literature |
The session was run by Zuhair Burda
Time 5:00 – 6:00 afternoon- Brake.
Third session/ literature Time 6:00 – 8:00 evening
SL. |
Name of researcher |
Title of lecture |
1 |
Hayder Hayder Mhaid |
Literal productions In the Syriac Gardens. |
2 |
Zahir Hyzkia Doda |
Significance and Meaning of the Syriac language Letters |
3 |
Mikaeel Benyamin |
About the reality and The future of our Syriac language |
4 |
Sharar Yousif |
The life of the poet Khamees Al- qardahy Al Erbily |
5 |
Faiq- Bolou |
Samples of the Syriac Literature |
6 |
Ivan Jany Korail |
Our Syriac heritage-Ldentity and Originality. |
Time 8:00 – 9:00 dinner and rest.
The session was run by Imad Iysoo
The second day Thursday 7.2.2013
The first session/ History and heritage
Time 9:00 – 11:00 a.m
SL. |
Name of researcher |
Title of research |
1 |
Abdul Salam Al- Khudaidy |
The archaeologist Behnam Abu Al Suf and his role in Ruins and remains of Mesopotamia heritage. |
2 |
Yakoob Efram Mansoor |
Aramic thinkers and Writers. |
3 |
Dr. Yousif Tony |
the Syriac-Selections from their written by hand heritage in the libraries ofTurkey |
4 |
Dr. Mahmood Abaad Al Juboury and Shayma Abdul Baky |
priests of the camps and their role in spreading Christianity among the Arabs before Islam |
5 |
Dr. Behnam Attallah |
A study in the poetry of Jan Damo. |
6 |
Manhal Samhareeb |
The use of the letter g( In the Syriac language. |
Time 11:00 – 12:00 Break.
The session was run by Hikmat Basheer
Second session/ culture, Media and theatre
Time 12:00 – 2:15 Midday.
SL. |
Name of researcher |
Title of research |
1 |
Saayeed Shamaya |
Towards ambitious Syriac Theatre. |
2 |
Namrood Qasha |
Syriac Broadcasting media inIraq |
3 |
Edmon Lasso |
Ankido. Eve and Tyreyziyaas |
4 |
Yousif Zera |
the holiness of water in the rivers heritage |
5 |
Nauri Putrus |
Hidyab culture and Its schools |
6 |
Mr. Ahmed Sami |
The hallow verb in The Semitic languages |
Time 2:15 – 3:30 lunch and break
The session was run by Lateef Numaan
Thursday 7.2.2013
Third session/ language
Time: 3:30- 5:00 afternoon
SL. |
Name of researcher |
Title of research |
1 |
Dr. Bashar Al tory |
From the syriac al Maqdashy literature |
2 |
Akad Murad |
The syriac education experiment inKurdistanregion |
3 |
Ibraheem kulan |
The seventh century, the syriac, crossroads |
4 |
Mr. Mohammad Radhy Zwair |
The Semitic language and the convoying of the development of language studies |
5 |
Kareem Ena |
The effect of time and place in the syriac stories |
6 |
Dr. Behnam Sonny |
Mazkarta or the monastery of Youhanna Al- Delaimy |
Time 5:00- 6:00 break
The session was run by Nazar Hanna Putrus
The fourth session/ culture
Time: 6:00- 8:00 evening
SL. |
Name of researcher |
Title of research |
1 |
Ashur Malham |
Sumerian names from Ogen Manna lexicon |
2 |
Qusay Yousif |
Obstacles of syriac education in Neniva plain |
3 |
Shakir Sifo |
Beauties of the poetic modern text- reading |
4 |
Rawand Polus |
Naseer Boya the forgotten ankawa poet |
5 |
Amel Eddi Polus |
In the syriac language assimilation |
6 |
Dr. Zaheem Ali fuaady |
The syriac role in developing lingual sciences |
Time 8:00- 9:00 dinner and rest.
Session run by Moshy Polus
The third day/ Friday 8.2.2013
Time 9:00 a.m Final session
Series |
Name of researcher |
Participants in the conference and special committee to prepare the final statement |
1 |
Mary Jabo |
How to read the Icons |
2 |
Denial shabo Rekany |
Ressurruction and unification |
3 |
Discussion, evaluation and statement |
10:30 reading the final statement of the conference |
End of programme
Notice: the morning part for the third day programme was converted to the evening session for the second day. The two researchers presented their researches in the session of the second day instead of the absentees.
Syriac WritersUnion.
The Final Evening Session
Before starting the final evening session for the second day the participants decided to form a committee in order to write the final statement for the conference.
The committee for the final statement was formed of the following:
– The re searcher Nazar Hanna Dirany
– The re searcher Akad Murad Tamo
– The re searcher Dr. Talib Al- Quraishy
– The re searcher Dr. Taha Shebeeb
– The re searcher Shrara Yousif Zera
– The re searcher Qusay Masloub
After a quick session the committee gathered the important points that the conference confirmed on during its sessions and discussions that form a great importance. We hope from the responsible parties to work accordingly for the purpose of serving the Syriac culture that represent a historical important and original pant for this country.
The following is the final statement:
For the period from 6-7 Feb. 2013 the seventh Syriac literature conference- course of Al Malphan Yakoob Ogen Manna was held at Ankawa town-Erbil. The conference included seven sessions where forty researches were presented in the fields of Syriac language and literature and the results and recommendations that those researches reflected are as fallows:
1- The Syriac language is a deep rooted living language and its literature enjoys the humane and patriotic meanings.
2- Necessity to support the Syriac language department at the college of languages Baghdad university and to great its graduates the chance to complete their higher studies through which it could provide specialized staff in this language and its literature in addition to the need of opening a department for the Syriac language in one of the universities in the region.
3- The importance of establishing Syriac general directorate for culture at the ministry of culture- Federal government.
4- Care for publishing heritage, lingual and literal books in the Syriac language by the responsible parties in the federal government and Kurdistan Regional government.
5- Forming specialized committees in the field of preparing and translating scholastic texts in Syriac language in the Federal government.
6- To activate the activities of the Syriac language committee in the Iraqi scientific Assembly.
7- Opening Syriac scientific Academy in Kurdistan Region.
8- Showing the Syriac active role in constructing Iraqi civilization through history in the scholastic texts.
The Syriac seventh literature conference Ankawa 7.2.2013
Post script:
The final statement was read by the researcher and well- known writer Benyameen Hadad at the presence the conference members.
Present at the final session of the conference when reading the final statement was Mr. Jonsin Syawish, Minister of transportation and communication at Kurdistan Regional government.
The conference ended after nine p.m of the evening 7.2.2013 with success and prosperity.
أربيل -عنكاوا